martes, 15 de enero de 2019

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

My nomination is: SEMUC, Champey, Guatemala

SEMUC, Champey, Guatemala. 

The city of Semuc, Champey in Coban, is one of the most beautiful in the world, since it   combines the hospitality of the people, the excellent natural view, ideal to be well relaxed a weekend. 
Resultado de imagen para semuc champey

There is no common crime in this place, as the villagers themselves take care of the tourists, so that they are safe and return to spend their dollars. 

In SEMUC tourists can have a trip in caves and humid caves,to know exotic species of fish  in their natural habitat and to take pictures and videos of the same place and to share it with their relatives in their home countries or national tourists. 
Resultado de imagen para semuc champey

The villagers use tourism as a form of employment, as this is how they earn money, giving  security and eco - tourism to all visitors, the weather is humid and the villagers sell sweaters so that tourists   are not cold, being a job selling sweaters ,just as the local police are always supporting the villagers in patrol rounds, to take care that there are no thieves or assailants.

Resultado de imagen para semuc champey
look a video of Semuc, Champey in Guatemala.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018



In my country, when if you have a hard flu, the people don´t  go to the work.
Try it, take a pill of painkiller to feeling better in hours.
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In the month of December it is very cold and windy.
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In my country, people feel sick, with flu, if you have the flu take some painkiller pills, to feel better in the body.
Image result for medicina
Some homemade remedies that I would recommend are:

1. Hot water with garlic and lots of honey, you add two tablespoons of lemon.
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2. Garlic crushed with honey and a chamomile tea.
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3. White honey with an anti-flu.
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4. Take enough hot lemonade and stay in bed.
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We see this video, about the Homemade Remedies.

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018


Guatemaltecan Festival 

Before the time, like six months the student musical bands are practician his music melodies, the students prepare some traditional dances with traditional costumes. 
In this festival some people make delicious traditional food for the visitor, this food are for example: tipical candies, tostadas, salads of fruits and traditional drinks.

This day some little informal business starts to sell little flags, independence t-shirts, umbrellas, plastic toys and pure water. Make body paint, they paint the face of the people, painting the national flag. 

Last night very people go out to the Obelisco to start fire for his torch and run to the local town. They make very noise, and when they arrive to his town, the local people make a party and food for all night. 

The midnight of the 15th of September the party ends with fireworks in the central park, like a half of hour. 

Resultado de imagen para 15 de septiembre guatemala

Next show a Video clip, about this amazing day un Guatemala, Central America.