viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018



In my country, when if you have a hard flu, the people don´t  go to the work.
Try it, take a pill of painkiller to feeling better in hours.
Image result for medicina
In the month of December it is very cold and windy.
Image result for diciembre
In my country, people feel sick, with flu, if you have the flu take some painkiller pills, to feel better in the body.
Image result for medicina
Some homemade remedies that I would recommend are:

1. Hot water with garlic and lots of honey, you add two tablespoons of lemon.
Image result for vaso agua
2. Garlic crushed with honey and a chamomile tea.
Image result for teImage result for ajo
3. White honey with an anti-flu.
Image result for miel
4. Take enough hot lemonade and stay in bed.
Image result for limonada caliente

We see this video, about the Homemade Remedies.

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